5 Tony Awards including BEST MUSICAL MAN OF LA MANCHA The Tale of Don Quixote Dream the impossible Dream SAVE THE DATE –SATURDAY, JULY 13th, 2019. 6 PM. Reception; 8 PM. Show @ Evergreen College to Benefit BIRTHRIGHT OF SAN JOSE (Performed by San Jose Musical Theater) Buy tickets at BIRTHRIGHTSANJOSE.ORG (scroll down to click tickets); through volunteers or mail in flyer available soon in our newsletter.
Many thanks to all the volunteers Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians, Acolytes, Ladies and Men who decorate the altar and ALL the people who participated in the Holy Week and Easter ceremonies.
CAR SHOW CORNER The Blessing of the Hot Rods is May 18th! It is a fundraiser, but its true intent is to build community within our parish and beyond. Those of you that have attended the event know that it is a day of beautiful cars, live music, a BBQ lunch and wine tasting with our local mountain wineries. As it gets closer to the event, listen for announcements from Herb and look for volunteer sign ups in the entrance of the church. One of our biggest needs is themed raffle baskets. Thanks to the generous donations of our mountain wineries, we are able to make a number of wine themed baskets to raffle, but…we would like to offer other types of raffle baskets too. If you need help with basket ideas, just ask Nancy or Chris…we can help you out. Thank You!!