You may register your child and/or children for CCD classes after Sunday Mass. CCD classes are conducted on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 am. CCD grades K-1, 2nd, 3-5, 6-8 will begin on Sunday October 1, 2017 @ 9:00 am. Preschool CCD classes are scheduled for the first Sunday of every month and will begin Sunday October 1, 2017 during Mass with Family Social following. **We are in need of 3-4 gr. / 6-8gr. CCD teachers. Please consider volunteering to be a teacher. It is wonderful opportunity to strengthen and share your faith with others. Please contact Chris & Herb Curran
Baby Bottles – 3 Steps to Saving and Changing Lives In honor of Respect Life Month in October, Christ Child is partnering with Birthright of San Jose in a Baby Bottle Campaign. It is simple 1) Take a bottle 2) Fill it over the next 3-4 weeks with spare change, cash or checks. 3) Return it on Collection Day, Sunday, October 29th. The donations are used to provide diapers, pregnancy tests and more. Your one bottle is important and to the future of a young woman and her child. Please, pick up a bottle today!!!
START CLEANING OUT YOUR CLOSETS!!! The ANNUAL CHRIST CHILD COAT DRIVE will start on October 14, 2017. Your effort and generosity benefits families of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Greenfield, CA. We’ll gladly accept all sizes and gender of winter clothing. Thank you. Need information – contact Andrea Bruna 408 353-3101
The St. Clare Retreat Center is putting on a special silent retreat September 15 – 17, 2017 The guest speaker is Father Serge Propst O.P. The retreat starts with Friday dinner and ends with Sunday lunch. The cost for this three day retreat is $140 and single rooms are available on request for $150.00 Please consider attending this wonderful weekend. For reservations and/or questions, please contact Jeanette Roberts 353-1880. Thank you