The 9th Annual BLESSING OF THE HOT RODS AND WINE TASTING - Total Income from the Blessing of the Hot Rods was $5,690.00 Thank You to all our volunteers AND attendees!
Don't forget to come to our 9th Annual Event. We will have cars, bbq tri-tip sandwiches, raffle baskets, winetasting, and fun! Invite your friends and neighbors!
First Communion for the children in Religion Education Program I know that you have learned who JESUS is. Your parents and teachers have taught you that He is the Son of God. They have told you that JESUS became a human being just like you and me. JESUS even died for us, so that we can live forever with Him in Heaven. I pray that you will love JESUS forever, and I pray that you will let Him come into your heart and soul many, many times.
We collect non-perishable food items for the food pantry of Santa Cruz every Saturday and Sunday. Your donations help feed the poor and hungry that come to the parish.