6th Annual Fat Tuesday Parish Party February 28th Happy Hour at 6 P.M. Dinner at 7 P.M. Invite ALL parishioners and friends to attend Please Bring…A Salad, Dessert, or..? Main Entrée, Side Dish & Drinks provided by the Men’s Club Welcome everyone!
Disaster Preparedness Workshops The Mountain Emergency Response Corps (MERC), the local arm of the Red Cross, is presenting four free workshops on disaster preparedness for the mountain community. The workshops are scheduled for the evenings of Feb 7, Mar 7, April 4, and May 9 and will be held at 7:30 PM at the Redwood Estates Pavilion. The first two workshops will discuss how to prepare for the unique challenges a disaster might present in our mountain community. Contact George Smith at 408 353-1384 ([email protected]) or Phil Whiteside at 408 505-8485 for information about these workshops. All mountain residents are invited.